A Separation Can Be A Difficult Time. We Can Help You In Various Ways:

Consultation prior to separation

We provide advice on steps you can take to put yourself in the best position to resolve the issues resulting from your separation quickly and amicably. We can discuss a plan of care for your children, financial support, and property division.

Consultation After Separation

The consultation involves discussing and providing advice on the various options available to resolve issues resulting from the breakdown in your relationship. Our consultations are booked for 1.5 hours to allow time for us to gather detailed information on your circumstances and provide you with as much information as possible for you to make an informed decision on moving forward.

Legal Representation

After our consultation, if you wish to retain our firm, there are various processes that can be used to resolve your dispute depending on your circumstances:


Collaborative Family Law Process

  • The process of working within the collaborative family law framework is private and confidential and takes an average of 2 to 6 months to reach a conclusion, depending on the complexity of the issues. 

  • The process is generally less expensive than the court process.

  • It involves working with a team of professionals, which may include a social worker and a financial professional, to provide wraparound services relating to your separation.

  • We formally commit to resolve your dispute outside the court process. You and your spouse control the cost, the timing, and the results.

  • We will work together as a team to assist you in reaching a Separation Agreement that is fair, reasonable and focuses on your interests and goals in the context of your legal rights.



  • The process is private and confidential, and it takes an average of 2 to 8 months to reach a conclusion depending on the complexity of the issues.

  • This process is generally less expensive than the court process. The cost varies from mediator to mediator and depends on the complexity of the issues.

  • Most mediators require that both parties have legal representation. You and your spouse agree on a mediator to hire and the issues that the mediator will assist with.

  • There may be more than one mediation session depending on the complexity of the issues.

  • There is no formal agreement to commit to resolving your dispute outside the court process. You and your spouse control the cost, timing and the results.

Traditional negotiation

  • The process is private and confidential, and it takes an average of 4 to 12 months to reach a conclusion depending on the complexity of the issues.

  • This process is generally less expensive than the court process.

  • Through written correspondence, four-way meetings and/or mediation we can negotiate terms for a Separation Agreement that are fair and reasonable on all issues or specific issues.

  • This process does not require the formal Collaborative Family Law framework and can be used when your spouse does not wish to retain his or her own lawyer.

  • There is no formal agreement to commit to resolving your dispute outside the court process. You and your spouse control the cost, timing and the results.


Court Process

  • We are a settlement-oriented family law practice. If a matter needs to proceed to court, then we will assist with transitioning the matter to a litigation lawyer.

  • This process is public, and everything heard and filed is public record. It takes an average of 1 to 3 years for the legal process to reach a conclusion.

  • In court proceedings you do not control the process, timing, costs or results. These are all controlled by the lawyers and judges involved in your case.

  • The court process is typically the most expensive avenue to resolve family law issues.

Limited Retainer

Following a consultation, if you are unable to retain our firm to represent you, we can provide assistance in drafting or reviewing the necessary court documents, provide advice on the court process and assist in attempting to negotiate settlement.

Uncontested divorce

Once you have resolved parenting and property issues in your separation, our firm can assist you with obtaining a divorce. We prepare and file the necessary court documents, provide advice on the court process, and obtain a Divorce Certificate once your divorce is finalized.